
We are happy to participate in outreach activities. Please contact us if you would like us to help with a STEM event you are hosting! We have hosted VCU’s National Biomechanics Day each year, and led activities through the VCU Health Sciences Academy and VCU’s Summer Discovery Program.

National Biomechanics Day

National Biomechanics Day is an international event that seeks to increase awareness of biomechanics (the study of motion and force as applied to biological systems), particularly among high school students, teachers and the general public. It was established to advance biomechanics science and education by increasing the awareness and appreciation of biomechanics among the high school community around the world. VCU’s first annual National Biomechanics Day was held in April 2017.

If you are a company or organization interested in contributing to NBD either financially or in some other way (e.g., donation of biomechanics-related products, materials, information, etc.), please contact Dr. Peterson via email clpeterson@vcu.edu.

Dr. Peterson provides an introduction to National Biomechanics Day
Dr. Peterson provides an introduction to National Biomechanics Day.
VCU's Pulmonary Mechanobiology Lab leads an activity to demonstrate lung mechanics
VCU's Pulmonary Mechanobiology Lab leads an activity to demonstrate lung mechanics.
REALab graduate student, Thibault Roumengous, demonstrates recording brain activity with electroencephalography (EEG)
REALab graduate student, Thibault Roumengous, demonstrates recording brain activity with electroencephalography (EEG).
VCU's Motor Control Lab demonstrates virtual reality for rehabilitation
VCU's Motor Control Lab demonstrates virtual reality for rehabilitation.
Virtual reality demonstration during National Biomechanics Day
Virtual reality demonstration during National Biomechanics Day.
REALab students demonstrate and lead discussion on transcranial magnetic stimulation
REALab students demonstrate and lead discussion on transcranial magnetic stimulation.
Hosting Richmond Public Schools for an introduction to biomedical engineering through the VCU Academy of Sciences.
Hosting Richmond Public Schools for an introduction to biomedical engineering through the VCU Academy of Sciences.
REALab graduate student, Neil Mittal, demonstrates electromyography (EMG)
REALab graduate student, Neil Mittal, demonstrates electromyography (EMG).
VCU's Advanced Signal Processing in Engineering and Neuroscience (ASPEN) Lab demonstrates virtual reality for rehabilitation
VCU's Advanced Signal Processing in Engineering and Neuroscience (ASPEN) Lab demonstrates virtual reality for rehabilitation.